""Thank you for writing so deeply about [the] work and the wonderful progress and ambition you have for the company…[the group] are an inspiration my friend… I believe you are right on track though and I am very excited about your new work. I love the slow process allowing time for chaos, not leaping into well known forms, encouraging new forms to emerge from the material… I look forward to all this great new thinking manifesting something really beautiful and original. many blessings.
- Sir Mark Rylance, multi- award winning actor of stage and screen and Patron of May Contain Nuts Theatre Company!!
- Sir Mark Rylance, multi- award winning actor of stage and screen and Patron of May Contain Nuts Theatre Company!!
"It was a highlight of the programme MSc Creative Arts and Mental Health at Queen Mary to attend a performance and 'question and answers' session with the May Contain Nuts Theatre Company directed by Gerald Maiello. Their theatre-making is a gift of true knowledge about mental health, delivered with humour and intelligence. To be repeated!"
- Dr. Maria Turri, Queen Mary's University
"They then brought their devised show, [Butterflies and Lambs] to Trestle for a performance in July - the performers responded brilliantly to being in a different theatre space and gave committed and energised performances, which both disturbed and delighted the audience...
"In every meeting with the leaders of May Contain Nuts and the performers I have been so impressed by their dedication to making good theatre that does not shy away from the issues of mental health and wellbeing, but which strives to be, first and foremost, engaging and provocative theatre. The fact that the content of their work is fuelled by the experiences and perspectives of the performers ensures that the art they make has depth, relevance and texture. At a time when addressing mental wellbeing is high on the agendas of education and health organisations, such groups as May Contain Nuts have a unique and important part to play in sharing, through good art, the experiences and support of issues around mental illness and how it is manifest in contemporary Britain."
- Emily Gray, Artistic director, Trestle Theatre Company,
(from the supporting statement for our Arts Council Grant)
"Then they bought their devised show (Butterflies and Lambs' to Trestle for a performance in July - the performaners responded brilliantly to being in a different theatre space and gave committed and energised performances, which both disturbed and delighted the audiece..."
Audience member, Trestle Arts Base
"Brilliant! This has been the best lecture of the entire module"
"Loved it!"
- Doctorate in Clinical Psychology students from Hertfordshire University
"The group were welcoming and also curious to know what had drawn me to them and to wanting to work alongside them. We talked about the importance of drama and the theatre company they had formed, the work they were creating had an ability to challenge stigma and stereotypes as well as being a cathartic experience for not only themselves but the audience members too, the relief that is felt when you learn you are not alone in your fear, worry or anxiety. I wondered about their ambitions and this was to make steps towards them touring pieces out, possibly to local schools, reaching the next generation of people who may need connection in mental health issues and signposting to places they can be supported. The group to me, an incredibly engaging group, they are honest, open and all respect each other highly. The friendship that has formed from the theatre company is incredible to witness; they have a full and functioning support system where they all lend their strengths and individual personalities to be there for each other when needed, creatively and personally...
"This company want to use their experiences to help and reach others, what they are bravely setting out to achieve is not only to perform and be witnessed in front of others but to challenge the stigma around mental health in order to connect with many who are suffering in silence or alone. They want to provide reassurance and hope that whilst so much is lost when a mental health issues takes over, there is also so much to be found and rediscovered and that the healthy parts deserve as much attention and airspace as the unhealthy parts. "
Nicola Williams - Producer, May Contain Nuts